Sunday, April 13, 2008


what is the dress code "FORMAL" really means? Is it really just a dress code? let's discuss.

  • Formals always made of woven fabrics but not the knitted ones. (The easiest way to differentiate is... woven fabric doesn't get stretched where as knitted one does.)
  • Formal shirts always consists of collars, cuffs and the stitches of similar color to the fabric as Casuals have contrast collar n cuff. But, the color of the BUTTONS is not considered they might be of similar color or of different one. (A lot of premium brands make casual stuff but people often consider them as formal just because the brand is famous for formal wear). Formal suits or blazers or jackets always consists of lapels and buttons (2 or three). The casual ones don't.
  • Formal trousers always contain pleats. Where as the casuals are mostly the "Flat fronts".
  • The width of the belt would be 0.5 to 1.5 inch and the buckle is almost of equal size for Formal look where as larger belt is preferred when it's casual.
  • Never let the collar buttons or the first button of your shirt unbuttoned, and don't fold the cuffs (ends of your shirt) up if you want to look formal.
  • If u want a formal look, Don't wear a "round necked t shirt" or vest inside the shirt that is visible .

  • Formal shirts don't consist of Plaids but may have small to medium checks. The No. of colors of the checks should not be more than 4.
  • Yes here is an important one, you might see on the tags of shirts as "CASUAL WEAR" but they look formal??? and yes indeed they are Formal shirts. (as the western people always wear suit as formal wear. The shirt is considered as casual wear for them but, not for us (Indians).
Besides everything, you need a to be polite, confident, clean and firm to look formal.

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