Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I know we all want the same thing, to look great! Right? Nothing can spoil your look more than a conspicuous fashion faux pas (wrong step). Unfortunately, there are some fashion errors that we might not be aware of. So for the benefit of all the readers out here, I point out the most common fashion mistakes and how not only for woman, but also for men and how to avoid them.

1. The Color Issue :

A. Wearing the wrong colors

All skin tones among us are not created equal. To look your best, choose wardrobe colors that complement your skin. Wearing the wrong colors will make your skin appear dim and; lines and wrinkles will be more evident. The lime green or hot pink that you saw on the runways may look fabulous on the models, but horrible on you. Experiment with different colors and stick with the palettes that look best on you. Don't waste your money on clothes that make you look pale, sallow, or washed out.
B. Wearing red and green at the same time.
Honestly, you will look horrible. Red and green are two of the colors that you absolutely must avoid wearing together. These colors completely clash, so just stay clear. Also, it’s best to stay away from green and red makeup. If you decide to go for a green eyeshadow, don’t put on a bright red lipstick. Instead, opt for a clear gloss or a nude color.

C. Wearing too many Colors.

A common fashion mistake is using too many colors. As a general rule wear up to three (or four if u can't avoid to) colors only, for a easy on the eye coordinated look.

2. The Shoes :

A. Dirty shoes.

It would be bad enough if you had shoes that were out of shape, or didn’t match with your outfit, but if you have dirty shoes, you’re making a big fashion faux pas. Make sure to keep your shoes in right shape and most importantly, clean!

B. Bulky shoes with slim/feminine dress

A floral, feminine dress should never be paired with bulky shoes such as thick platforms. This kind of dress deserves a pair of soft, delicate shoes. Anything with a small heel, and even wedges or flip flops.

C. Messy Shoes

Take care of your shoes as they complete your look. Also ensure that your shoes complement your outfit.

3. Make-Up :

A. Too much makeup

Too much makeup creates a harsh look and makes lines appear deeper. Keep your daytime makeup light and evening makeup a little darker. If you are unsure of makeup application techniques, see a professional.

B. Inappropriate makeup

Light for day, heavier for evening, sheer for sports. You wear different clothes for different activities in you life; your makeup should change as well.

4. Accessories :

Wearing accessories is important most especially if you are wearing something simple because the embellishments actually accent your outfit.

A. Too Many Accessories

A common mistake that many people commit though is wearing too much of them. Keep accessories to a minimum. Button or hoop earrings are acceptable for a daytime look. For an evening, make one piece, e.g. chandelier earrings or embellished purse. don't wear a heavy necklace and
chandelier earrings at the same time. always have a key element that draws attention and keep the rest of accessories neutral.

B. Using the wrong accessories.

Finish off with accessories that match your style and don’t over do it. For example with necklaces choose the correct length. Short chains and chokers tend to make your neck appear larger. If you are going out in evening wear make sure your handbag is sleek, small and coordinated, a big slouchy bag will totally ruin the look.

5. Undergarments :

Selecting the wrong undergarments is also fashion mistake. Choose the right underwear.

A. Revealing plain white or black bra straps and thongs
Some underwear just looks better inside. No matter how expensive the plain white sports bra is, keep it concealed. Same applies to transparency level of your clothes: wear white or bra with white shirts and black/colored bras with black ones, and not vice versa.

B. Size
Buy the correct size in your undergarments. as they make a big difference in.... how your body looks under your clothes. Wearing the right size will allow you to avoid revealing-lines, bulges and sagging.

5. Hair :

Don't color your entire hair again and again. At the salon, the stylist has likely lightly retouched the roots when they have grown through and then refreshed the ends. By doing the entire hair repeatedly the color can be uneven and the ends are over-porous. Then the ends will become dried out, making them harder to style and easier to split. Try to apply the color only to the new growth of roots, spread the color through the rest of the hair just briefly (only a few minutes), then shampoo out.

A. Hair Styling products

Use the right styling product for your hair-type. If you have fine hair and you are trying to avoid the flat look, then why do you apply heavy gel which only serve to had weight? Gel is best used thinly at the roots to lift the hair, then comb it outward to reduce frizzy hair and to give you a wet look. Always hold the can of hairspray at least a foot from your head rather than getting it closer and over spray till your hair is so wet.

These fashion mistakes tend to come from people not accepting their body type and wearing the latest fashion just because its popular and I wish you are not one of them . To look your best, always be true to yourself and you will present a stylish confident look that will create the right impression for all occasions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Whether you're obsessed with fashion or just want to go as long as possible without shopping, taking good care of your clothes can help keep them looking newer, longer. You can make them last longer if you care for them properly and there are some great ways to make sure you’ll have that favorite dress for a very long time.

Don't wash your clothes every single time that you wear them :

I know this may sound gross to some people, so I will say that you have to use common sense and good judgment here. If you wear something and you get some tomato ketchup on the front of it, of course you need to wash it right away. When I say you don't need to wash your clothes every time you wear them, I'm basically talking about things that you wear for only a few hours in a day or so and those which don't look dirty at all. Like in the case of jeans, don't washed them every time you wore them instead, try hanging your jeans or shirt out in the shade(not in the sun shine) with flow of Air . They will get freshened up in a hurry, and you won't have to put them in the washing machine.

Treat STAINS immediately :

Stains are one of the most common ways our clothing gets ruined. If you leave a stain until the day you do your laundry it has time to dry and set in and will be even harder to remove. If you wash a stained item improperly this can also set the stain in and putting a stained item in the clothes dryer is almost certain to ensure a permanent mark. Rinse out a stained item with water immediately after the stain occurs or as soon as possible. If the stain is a grease or protein stain you can treat it with a bit of dish soap. Hot and warm water can cause stains to set in so only use cold water until you are sure the stain is gone.

Prevent Shrinkage :

Shrinkage is another common killer of clothes. Clothing that is made out of natural materials like cotton and wool can shrink in the clothes dryer quite quickly. Items like denim blue jeans and cotton skirts will shrink a bit each time you dry them. Clothes dryers can also give clothes quite a beating if you dry them too long and too often. Air-drying your clothes is the best way to make them last longer. Using a fabric softener in the rinse cycle will help keep your clothes from getting stiff. You can dry your clothes outside or on an indoor folding rack that stores easily when you are through.

Sew loose seams or small tears as soon as they occur :

If you have a small opening it can easily tear into a larger one that is either harder or impossible to fix. Replace lost buttons immediately, don't think......"aaah...It's not visible to others". It only takes a few minutes to sew up a loose seam or button and thread costs next to nothing.

Store it properly for the next season :

When it’s time to put your clothes away for the season be sure to clean, iron, and fold them first. Storing your clothes is a key factor. If your clothes are made of polyester or silk or they have shine prints and/or gold coated material, then keep them in a thick bag made of a fabric (cloth), but not in a plastic polythene. If they are cottons or woolens then u can use plastic bags or whatever you want but pack them tightly as insects damage them (especially wool is eaten by silverfish). And please don't keep a lot of Naphthalene balls. You may need to put one or two in the Rack but not in each of the garment. If your clothes contain "jari" or metal wires or crystals, then roll the garments loosely and store instead of folding them.


If you are "Short and Heavy" and want to look Tall and Thin:

  • Wear clothes that fit well (too tight or too loose clothes addpounds).
  • Wear solid colors, preferably in the same color range, from head to toe.
  • Avoid stiff fabrics and nubby textures.
  • Wear darker tones in smooth fabrics with flat finishes.
  • Limit stripes to very fine, subdued, and close-together versions.
  • Wear trousers at the natural waist (never below).
  • Wear suspenders with button loops, never clips.
  • Avoid too many accessories.
  • Be sure your tie touches the waistband and that it is medium in width.
  • Avoid busy patterns.
  • Wear vertical stripes.
  • Avoid elastic bottoms on sweaters, and jackets, which can cause the material to bunch up at the waist and make you look heavier.

If you are so Tall and Lean (thin) and want to look a bit Shorter and/or Heavier:
  • Wear contrasting colors in mix-and-match separates.
  • Wear bolder colors as accents.
  • Wear patch pockets or styling details.
  • Wear layers.
  • Elastic bottoms on sweaters, and jackets can cause the material to bunch up at the waist and make you look heavier.
  • Wear spread-color shirts and slightly wider ties, with Windsor knots.
  • Wear thin-soled, trim-looking shoes.
  • Select a top coat in a huskier fabric. It can be full or belted and should fall below the knee.
  • Wear trousers with deep pleats, cuffs, and full legs.
  • Limit using the same color from head to toe.
  • Limit the use of narrow vertical stripes, very narrow ties, and pointed lapels.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Your mom was right! One of the most memorable things she ever said: "Stand up straight." Why did she say that? Because she knew that good posture will take five or 10 pounds off you with no sweat.

So chest out, stomach in, posture straight, walk into that job interview, sales presentation or even for a casual walk with confidence -- and walk tall!

  • Don't slouch (bend) you are standing or sitting, slouching (bending) can suggest that you are intimidated, and you lack confidence or that you're uninterested in what others have to say. leaning to one side or bouncing your foot says that you are nervous.
  • Keep your head up. If you walk with your head down it lets other people be more important than you. Look at where you're going.
  • Make eye contact. Don’t stare, but look the other person (persons) in the eye 40 to 60% of the time, otherwise you’ll be perceived as having something to hide. When you are in a meeting, it's okay to look laterally side to side, which appears intellectual or powerful, but don't look up or down. It makes you look as if you've lost your confidence
  • Smile, but "over smiling" gives the impression of weakness. A good smile says you are confident, authoritative and friendly. A real smile lasts three or four seconds; anything longer appears frozen or phony.
  • Hands. The first place nervous energy shows is in your hands. Don't jingle your fingers like this, don't play with your shirt ends or fiddle with your tie. Hands clasped in front of you, below your waist gives the impression of insecurity and looks like you don't know what to do with your hands. Just let them hang at your sides, naturally and casually. To put your hands by your side and do nothing with your hands is powerful body language. Don't hold one arm with the other, don't clasp your hands in front or in back, and don't stick your hands in your pockets (it makes your lower end look twice as wide.)
  • People are most comfortable with people who are "like" themselves (in dress, mannerisms, thoughts, etc.). Mirror: Try to "mirror" the other person’s body position and mannerisms such as speech speed, (to a certain degree).
  • Voice pitch. Keep your pitch low. There are more men on radio, because people respond better to lower pitched voices. Don't end a sentence with a high note, in the interrogative question tone. Instead phrase questions assertively; for example say "I'd like to know when I can meet with you," as opposed to "when can I meet with you?"

Sunday, April 13, 2008


what is the dress code "FORMAL" really means? Is it really just a dress code? let's discuss.

  • Formals always made of woven fabrics but not the knitted ones. (The easiest way to differentiate is... woven fabric doesn't get stretched where as knitted one does.)
  • Formal shirts always consists of collars, cuffs and the stitches of similar color to the fabric as Casuals have contrast collar n cuff. But, the color of the BUTTONS is not considered they might be of similar color or of different one. (A lot of premium brands make casual stuff but people often consider them as formal just because the brand is famous for formal wear). Formal suits or blazers or jackets always consists of lapels and buttons (2 or three). The casual ones don't.
  • Formal trousers always contain pleats. Where as the casuals are mostly the "Flat fronts".
  • The width of the belt would be 0.5 to 1.5 inch and the buckle is almost of equal size for Formal look where as larger belt is preferred when it's casual.
  • Never let the collar buttons or the first button of your shirt unbuttoned, and don't fold the cuffs (ends of your shirt) up if you want to look formal.
  • If u want a formal look, Don't wear a "round necked t shirt" or vest inside the shirt that is visible .

  • Formal shirts don't consist of Plaids but may have small to medium checks. The No. of colors of the checks should not be more than 4.
  • Yes here is an important one, you might see on the tags of shirts as "CASUAL WEAR" but they look formal??? and yes indeed they are Formal shirts. (as the western people always wear suit as formal wear. The shirt is considered as casual wear for them but, not for us (Indians).
Besides everything, you need a to be polite, confident, clean and firm to look formal.


Bra not only shapes the appearance of breasts but, is also helpful from a health standpoint. Wearing the right bra keeps a girl's breasts supported while she's playing a sport and can help prevent injury to the breast- tissue. A well-fitting bra is also important for a woman's posture, particularly if she has large breasts. A bra that doesn't fit can cause back problems, muscle tension, and even headaches.

Yet 8 out of 10 women wear bras that don't fit.

All About Straps, Snaps, Bands, and Cups :

Finding the right bra is not a difficult task if you know the basics of the sizing. There are two parts to a bra's size: the Chest size (also called the band size) and the Cup size.

The Chest, or Band size is the part of the bra that runs across the chest and around the back. The cups are the parts of the bra that hold the breasts. Bras come in many sizes, which are different combinations of the chest sizes (shown as numbers - 32, 34, 36, etc.) and cup sizes (shown as letters - AA, A, B, C, etc.)

It's important to get both the Chest and Cup sizes right to ensure a proper fit. Some manufacturers are now starting to offer cup options in half sizes in addition to regular cups to help girls get a better fit.

If a bra that's the wrong chest size, the band will either feel tight and uncomfortable around her rib cage or it will be too loose and ride up her breasts. Bras that are too small in the cup will compress the bust portion and force them to bulge out the sides. And cups that are too big can wrinkle and pucker, which won't look good under clothes.

So how do you calculate your chest and cup measurements? It's easy, and it's something you can do in the privacy of your own room at home. All that you need is a measuring tape.

Finding the Band (or Chest) size :

There is NO consensus in these measurement methods (unfortunately). Different opinions exist. So no matter what measuring system you use, you still need to try the garment on to be sure it actually fits.

Have someone measure around your chest with a tape measure, just under your breasts, and around the back. Make sure the tape measure rests flat on the skin and goes straight across your back. The most common advice is to add 5 inches to this measurement - and then that is your band size (also called chest size).

i.e. Band size = Measurement under the Breasts +5 inches

BUT adding only 2-3 inches (instead of 5) can work better for many women - if you need the support to come more from below, rather than hanging off the shoulders.

If you end up with an odd number, go up to the next even number, since bras usually only come in even-numbered band sizes.

Finding the cup size

Measuring the cup size is trickier; even with a measurement it is better to try on different bras and find out experimentally which one fits. Have someone measure you again, this time the measuring tape goes on top of the fullest part of your breasts. If you already own a well-fitting non-padded bra, you can wear it while taking this measurement as long as it doesn't 'flatten' your breasts (which would make an illusion of a smaller cup size). Record this number, and subtract band size. The difference tells you the correct cup size as follows:

i.e. Cup size depends on:

Measurement over the fullest part of the Breast - The Band size

you can find the cup size according to the difference by the chart given below :


Remember again, bra measuring is not exact science. And how could it be when women's breasts come in so many different shapes and sizes? Usually one breast is bigger than the other, they might sag, etc. So the fitting room tells you the truth; not the tape measure alone. You have to try it on. If it fits right, that's your bra size even if the tape measure told you different.

How to tell if your bra fits correctly :

  1. It should fit snugly around. You ought to be able to fit one or two fingers under the band comfortably. If you are pulling down the back strap or pulling up on the shoulder straps throughout the day, then the band size (the no. part of your bra size) is too big.
    1. Can you fit 1 finger comfortably at the back? If yes, then the band is right size.
    2. If you're having a hard time putting one finger under the band, then move the hooks to the loosest fitting eyes. If it is still tight on the loosest fitting, then try on one in the next up band size.
    3. If the band can easily be pulled away from your body, or if the band rises up your back, then go down one in the band size.
  2. If you are wearing an underwire bra, the wire that comes up between the breasts should lay flat (or as close as possible) to your breast bone.
  3. If the bra is a soft cup bra, you shouldn't have any extra, gapping fabric. If the bra is a molded cup you shouldn't have any extra room in the cup. Your breast should completely fill the cup. If it is gapping and the band feels fine, then go down in the cup size.
  4. You don't want to be spilling out of the cup - not from the top, bottom or sides. If the band feels fine then go up a cup size.
  5. If you raise your arms up (do this a few times), the bra should stay against your body, not lifting up or off. If this happens try a few things;
    1. adjust the shoulder straps by loosing them
    2. Pay attention to the band. Is it too tight? Or too loose? Or just right?
    3. If the band is just right, and adjusting the shoulder straps didn't work, then go up a cup size.
  6. Try on different styles of bras. Every style fits and fills different and can "shape" your breast differently.
  7. If your bra fits correctly, it should NOT be painful or uncomfortable to wear.

So you've taken your measurements and you're in the fitting room trying a bra in what's supposed to be your size — But it doesn't seem to fit. Now what?

Before you look for a different size, experiment by making some adjustments to the bra. Extend or shorten the band around your chest slightly by moving the hooks to a different eye on the
hook and eye closure . The bottom band of a properly fitting bra should ride across the middle of your back and pass under your shoulder blades to provide the right support.

A bra's straps allow you to modify how the cups fit and support your breasts. When the straps are the right length, a bra lifts the breasts comfortably and the back of the bra will run straight across your back (if a bra is pulling upward in the back, it may be a sign that the straps are too tight). You should be able to get one finger under the straps to prevent them from digging into your shoulders. In general, girls who are petite will need to wear the shorter bra straps.

Breast growth: A girl's breasts can grow and change rapidly during the teen years, which means that until you stop developing, you might have to change your bra size several times. If your breasts are still growing, consider buying fewer bras and measure yourself frequentl y to counter-check your size.Because growth can make a girl's breasts sensitive, you might find certain styles or fabrics work better for you. For example, some girls like seamless cups because they don't irritate; others choose styles that minimize jiggle to ease the occasional aches of breast development.

Menstrual changes: Some girls' breasts change size or shape at different times in their menstrual cycles. Many girls find they like to wear different styles of bras at different times in their cycle.

Different-sized breasts: Most girls' breasts grow at different rates — and many girls find themselves with one breast that's bigger than another. Move the strap adjusters on a bra to different lengths.Some girls also use the trick of buying a bra that has removable padding and then taking the extra padding out of the cup for the larger breast. Push-up bras can work well for this because they often come with an easily removable padded section (called a "cookie") that sits under the breast.

Hooks, wires, and other hazards: Take a look at the bra you're about to buy and imagine how it might survive a full day of wear. The bra's straps may feel fine in the fitting room, but if the adjusters are sitting right on your shoulder or collarbone, how will that feel if u carry a college Bag or Backpack.

Test to see if the bra band is too loose by lifting your arms in the air and putting them back down by your sides a couple of times. If the bra rides up across your breasts, the band is too loose. If you're looking for a sports bra, jump up and down in the fitting room a couple of times to evaluate the bra's bounce control.

You may also want to try on a T-shirt or sweater over a bra you're thinking of buying to get the finished effect. That pink rose on the front may look cute on the bra itself, but be careful and
observe how it looks once your T-shirt's on? No matter what the size or shape of a girl's breasts, the most important thing to remember in choosing a bra is..... "Comfort". Try on a variety of bras to find the one that's right for you. Some girls prefer the comfort of cotton, others like the support of synthetics or "under wires".

Types :

1. Minimizer bras are designed for full figures to reduce the bustline and create a more rounded shape. These bras can be very slimming. 2.Full-coverage bras cover the entire bust. These bras usually have larger cups to offer maximum support. 3. Convertible bras provide the comfort and no show coverage you desire. They can be transformed into a variety of styles to suit your versatile wardrobe needs — from halter to racer-back, one-shoulder to strapless. 4. Demi bras are half-cup bras. They do not cover the entire bosom to create a bare minimum look.

5. Seamless bras offer medium support and create a natural rounded appearance with a smooth shape. These bras are great for wearing under tight-fitting tops. 6. Padded bras just help to add a natural enhancement to your bust. (Many push-up bras are padded.) And sometimes the pads can be removable. 7. Push-up bras give your bust a natural lift while pushing them together. Push-up bras are great for a smaller bust because they can add cleavage where there wasn't any before. 8. Plunge bras provide the same comfort and shaping as basic bras do, but they have a low-cut center in front. They're the perfect solution when wearing daring necklines.

9. Wire-free bras offer comfortable shaping and support without the irritation of underwires. They're designed with stretch to perfectly fit your figure. They make the perfect everyday bra! 10. Sports bras are essential for sports and while working out in the Gym because they provide maximum support while reducing bounce. They're a must-have for any physical exercise.

No one bra is better than another or no particular one is the best — it all depends on which style works best for your needs.

Afraid of Breast Cancer???? :

Many people say that bras causing breast cancer is just a myth. It is true that bras do not
cause breast cancer but, ill-fitting (wrongly fitted), too tight bras can help cancer growth since they can prevent your body from excreting dangerous cancer-causing chemicals.

The main reason why tight bras are bad for breast health is because they restrict the lymph flow in the breasts. There are numerous lymph pathways and lymph nodes in the armpits, under the breasts, and in between the breasts. Normally the lymph fluid washes out waste materials and other toxins away from the breasts, but bras (and especially some push-up bras) inhibit this action, so toxins can start to accumulate in the breast, and that can help cancer to develop. In other words, bras inhibit the way our bodies normally cleanse themselves and get rid of cancer cells and toxins like PCBs, DDT, dioxin, benzene and other carcinogenic chemicals that cling to the body's fatty tissues like breast. In fact, if you find a lump in your breast, it may very well be filled with lymph fluid that was not able to move away from the breast tissue.

Bra wearing may also be connected to cancer in other ways. Wearing bras slightly increases the temperature of the breast tissue, and women who wear bras have higher levels of the hormone prolactin. Both of these may influence breast cancer formation.

so there is no need to worry as long as one selects the right one and wears it for not more than 8 hours per day.

NOTE : Here, I humbly claim that the images or/and the terms I discussed in this topic are to enable the reader understand in a better way. I regret the inconvenience caused If, you feel embarrassed or discomfort at any stage of reading it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Dark skin tone :

Dark-skinned people tend to have black or dark brown hair and dark eyes. colors that should be used here should contrast with the dark features The contrast breaks up look and catches the eye. The obvious mistake you may do is, choosing too dull shades. it might be surprising but you look good in bright colors too.

Colors you look your best in: Pink, White, various Khakis, various Blue shades, and Grey.

Colors you should avoid: Red, Yellow, Black, dark Brown, Turquoise and Light Green.

Tropical colors and really dark shades should be avoided. While black and navy blue are corporate colors and are hard to avoid, try to contrast them with colors that suit you for a contrasting look. I know u want in a more detailed manner. okay.. do remember to wear contrast clothing i.e. your top must be different form the bottom in color unless they are denim pants. Go for plain or striped shirts rather than the plaids (checks). If u love checks, then make sure that the color of the checks don't dominate the background. Always wear accessories match the dress. if possible avoid the gold colored (?? okay gold) accessories like chains and wrist watches. instead go for watch with belt.

A humble suggestion for u is... don't try to lighten the face with artificial cream or powder instead, be confident and proud to be as really as you are.

Medium Skin Tone :

Medium-toned skin can be combined with blond or black hair. Eye color can vary from blue to black. Both light and dark colors work well here, as they will both contrast well with your skin.

Best Colors : Any, but see note below.

Possible Colors To Avoid: Purple, Dark Brown, Red and Olive.
Individually a person in this group should avoid colors that blend to closely to their skin n olive complexion, avoid wearing olive-colored or brown clothing.

Fair or glowing skin :

Well, you will have as many doubts as the dark skinned (if not more). you may get attention mostly due to your skin color and that is what u need to remember...... NEVER LET YOUR CLOTHES TO DOMINATE YOU.

Best Colors: Light Blue, Brown, Beige, Off-White and Deep Blue and any subdued (not too bright or too dark) color.

Colors to avoid: Red (u love red? then make sure u wear it in the evening or night.) , Orange, Yellow, Lime, light Green and Purple.

The aim should be to avoid harsh or bright colors since these give you a washed out look. Your clothes will stand out and you wont, wearing vibrant colors is even worse and should be avoided.
Use Color To Your Advantage.
Avoid wearing satin or glittered clothing in the day or after noons. Take care the ears and neck portions to have the same glow of your face. Wear the same or nearer colored tops with bottoms. unless they are denims.